Spirituality is a deep & vast subject so you may feel lost in the sea of books that have been written about them. As a tarot reader, healer & avid reader, I found myself buying so many books & a new book shelf to keep them. I had more books than I could read on so many subjects I couldn’t understand. Some I could only read after gaining understanding on another topic & some I finished in less than a week. I truly enjoy reading & that’s why, I send at least 1 book in every subscription box I send. To navigate the oceans of universal knowledge, I have noted down a couple of recommendations for my fellow soulful spiritualists to pick the perfect book for them. Here are a few book recommendations from Celestine, whether you want to gain understanding, get clarity or grow & heal gracefully:
1. For Mythology & Goddess Energy Enthusiasts: Awakening Shakti by Sally Kemper
Hands down, this is one of my most favourite books to read. It details characteristics of every goddess, the way the world was formed (also by a goddess) according to sacred Hindu texts. It helps you tune into your goddess energy while reading through origin stories & traits of each goddess. I recommend this to clients who wants to understand the energy that they embody (regardless of gender) & operate at their maximum potential. You can buy it here.
2. For An Attitude of Gratitude: The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
Although The Secret is one of the most popular books written on the law of manifestation, The Magic has become my guiding force. It taught me to cultivate a grateful approach to everything around me; past, present AND future, by taking the law of attraction to the next level. Its meant to be read as an activity book where there is a simple act that you will have to follow (and practice over time) to develop gratitude in your lifestyle. I highly recommend it to clients who have been focusing on the negative & need a boost of positivity in my life. You can buy it here.
3. For The Witch Within: Witch by Lisa Lester
I gifted this book to myself on my birthday & it was the best gifts I've ever given to myself! Although this isn't specifically a book about traditional witchcraft (for those keeping a grimoire or want to explore wicca, paganism, brujeria), it does talk about stepping into your divine power, especially if you categorise yourself as a woman. It helps you "unleash, be untamed & unapologetic". It talks about the trials, about understanding & accepting your darkness & using your voice to be the person you want to be. I recommend this to clients who need a boost of confidence & accept who they are. You can buy it here.
4. For Deep Healing: Healing Is The New High by Vex King
Let me be honest, it was love at first sight when I saw the gold cover of the book, glistening on the book stand of my favourite book store. I honestly took it partly for that reason. But let me tell you I was BLOWN AWAY by how deep the book is. Till date, it takes me time to go through the chapters as each one is dedicated to your various "bodies" - physical, astral, ethereal, etc. Each chapter works with a specific area of your life & asks you to go deep down to remove your issues from the root. It asks you to think about everything you do & question why you do/feel that way. I recommend this to clients who are interested in their healing journey as well as fellow healers who want to take their game up a notch in helping other people.
You can buy it here.
5. For Your Grimoire:
Essential Wicca by Cunningham
This book was gifted to me by a client & friend when I started studying about Wicca. Scott Cunningham has written over 50 books about witchcraft, spells, practices, herbs, etc. In this book, he has detailed out wiccan traditions in great detail along with practices, spells, how to connect with the Earth (the base for Wicca) & so much more if you want to dip your toes into Wicca. I find it to be very knowledgable & use it more as a textbook than something I read everyday. I recommend it to clients who are inclined towards witchcraft or other healers who want to try their hand at basic spell working.
You can buy it here.
6. For The Green Witch: The Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Cunningham
Since I've always dreamt of having my own apothecary, this was another book gifted to me by myself. This textbook by Scott Cunningham is for those who want to try their hand in magical herbalism. It lists down over 350 herbs & plants, their magical uses & the deities that they are linked to. I recommend this to fellow herbalists who want to use plant magic. You can buy it here.
7. For Crystal Enthusiasts: The Crystal Experience by Judy Hall
I love crystals & reading about the various, unheard of properties of crystals. This book details each crystals, it's attributes & how to cleanse, charge & use it along with exercised to try to enhance your experience with your crystals. I recommend it to clients who are inclined towards crystals & want to have their own crystals. You can buy it here.
These are some of the books that have taught me my basics over the years & I continue to go back to them. Let me know which books you like reading & can't live without! I shall make this a permanent addition to my blog posts with even more of my favourites.
None of these links are affiliated & all of them are purely recommendations.